"Transitioning Recurring Giving" Sample Email

Help your Recurring Givers transition their Gifts to your new platform via email.


In preparation for switching your new giving platform, be sure to take advantage of all your communication channels to help spread the news and pave the way. Emails are wonderful because you can link help articles, embed videos & more to help ensure a smooth transition. 💌


Below is a sample email to help inform your Recurring Givers about the upcoming switch and how to make sure their giving is not interrupted:


Hello [giver's name]!


Thank you for generously and consistently giving to our ministry.


We recently transitioned our online giving to a new platform. Giving to our ministry is now simpler, both for you as a giver and for our admins, and is even more secure. We’re closing our account with [previous giving platform] next month. So here's what that means for you and your current giving schedule:


Before [date of closing previous giving platform], please follow these instructions to switch over any active recurring or regularly scheduled gifts:

  1. Click here [link new giving portal] to easily set up a recurring gift with our new platform! (Check out this article for step by step instructions).

  2. Cancel your recurring gift with [previous giving platform] Access your recurring gift here [link previous giving] and cancel accordingly [provide additional instruction if necessary].

**Did you know? Sending a gift using a credit or debit card costs our ministry more in processing fees than when given via a bank account. If you're able, please consider the bank account option.


If you need additional assistance, please email [someone that can help]!


Thanks again,



Also consider downloading and including one of these Giver Guide videos in your email! 🎥


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