2023 Release Notes

November 16th, 2023 (Forms v2.38.0) 


Impact Report available for Most Forms

  • Giving> Fund Management: On the Fund Management screen/grid the admin will not see a new column for Impact report. If an impact report is allowed/set up then the grid will show Yes, and if it has not it will show No
  • Giving > Fund Management: Funds will now have another tab under Fund Management labeled Impact Report. The admin will be able to select to add the Impact Report to the fund. There will be a section to add extra fund information which will display above the general summary on the Impact Report. The admin will be able to add an image for the impact report, the fund goal can also be displayed on this report if the admin chooses. There will be three areas: Staff, Facilities, Outreach with percentages set-up. There will be a set of 10 icons that can be added for these areas. Certain colors will also be available to select. These distributions must be filled out with something to show on the Impact Report before saving.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 3.35.44 PM.png

  • Giving > Forms > Create Form > Giving Form (or other forms)> Form Properties > Impact Reports: With this release Admins will be able to add an Impact Report for their funds they have set up in Giving Admin to their Giving forms. This Impact Report will allow the admin to add a message for the report, add an image with that message or a digital signature, they will be able to save the messages as a template to use for future forms, they can choose to show the extra fund information (that was set up on the Giving side), show the fund progress as a bar or an amount, show how donations are distributed (as set up on the Giving side) and if they choose, may hide certain impact reports for certain funds. Donors viewing these Impact reports will see the report open to the side when the selected fund is chosen. If the donor is on a mobile device or looking at an embedded form, the donor will see the Impact Report slide up from the top. Donors will be able to click on the icon (set up from the giving side) or click on the View Impact Report link. Donors can also toggle through the different Impact Reports if there is more than one set up. NOTE: The Impact Reports will not be available for these Form Types: "signup-slot", "fund-list",  "second-collections", and "pledge card". These form types (field sets) in FMS already allow admins to provide Fund details or descriptions, they were deprioritized for this release.

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Add toggle to Standard Giving Forms for Express Giving (Wave 2)

  • Giving > FMS > Standard Giving Form: 8,000 remaining customers that will have their giving forms (those without significant customizations) automatically upgraded to the new Express Giving form. Admins will have the option to toggle back to the Standard Giving Form if they prefer.
  • Giving > FMS > Standard Giving Form: Remaining customized standard giving forms will now see the toggle (disabled) with the option to Enable the new Express Giving form.
  • Giving > FMS > Default Giving Form: Net New customers Default Giving Form is Express Mode.


More Ways to Give 

  • Giving > Forms > Form Properties > Submission: Giving forms will have a new section called Additional Giving Opportunities that will display on the Thank You screen after a donor has submitted their gift. This will be an optional field that the admin can choose to add to the form. Admin will be able to choose the wording (default shows More Ways to Give) and the Admin can choose which forms to put in this section and an option to have an image associated with the form (this could be the same as the fund image but the image will not automatically show - the image will have to be added in the form). This section will also have a description box for the admin to add to explaining about the campaign/fund selected, how it can impact the church, etc. Donors will see a Give Now button which will then direct them to the form. When the admin is setting this up and only chooses on form to add to this section, they will not be able to delete that option. If the admin enables the additional giving opportunity, at least one form must show. This will be an option for all giving forms.

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Increase Your Gift Prompt

  • Giving > Forms > Form Properties > Submission: Admins can now offer donors the option to increase their gift.

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Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 (v6.38.0)


Catholic Pledges and Integration (Releasing Tuesday 11/7)

  • ParishSOFT & WeShare Giving > Fund Management > Pledges: Catholic Giving Clients will now have the option to create Pledges and Pledge Cards. Through integrated functionality with ParishSOFT Family Suite and Development Manager, when Donors create a pledge card, that card will push over to the Donors profile in ChMS (if enabled). If the Catholic Giving account is integrated with Development Manager, Donors will also have the option to make a pledge On Behalf Of their Parish and that record will reflect in Development Manager.
  • ParishSOFT & WeShare Giving > Integration > Sync Report: Admins will be able to track Synced Pledge cards from the Integration Sync Report tab under Pledge Drive Sync Report. 


VT alert for Recurring gifts processing individually is not accurate

  • Giving > CP > Virtual Terminal: When setting up recurring gifts the user would receive an alert stating "When setting up recurring gifts for multiple designations, each fund will be individually processed on the same date." This statement is only true if the designations are going to a different Merchant ID, but it would alert everyone even if it was going to the same MID. Now the user will see a pop-up message after the submission of the gifts (since we only know the outcome after submission). We have updated alert to only show if going to a different MID and remove alert if it is going to the same MID. The message now says "With recurring payments, funds that are directed to different bank accounts, will be processed individually on the scheduled date.


Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 (v6.37.0)


Mastercard - Create new 6 month recurring email template

  • Recurring > Automated Email for Mastercard Gifts: Giving has created a new non-editable automated email (for Mastercard payments) that includes details on the recurring gift and how to cancel the recurring gift. For recurring gifts that have annual frequencies, an email will be sent to the donor's email address 7 days prior to their next recurring gift date. This email will be included in the existing recurring reminder email but should not show up in the preview or the body of the message. Additionally, donors with schedules occurring less frequently than every six months, will receive an automated reminder email 7 days prior to their gift. For one-time future gifts that have been set up for at least 6 months in advance they will receive this email as well. When a customer has a quarterly or monthly gift and skips their gifts for 6 months from their last one, we will not send this email.


Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 (Giving v6.36)


Enable Pledges on Churches with Fund Goal 

  • Giving > Giving Admin > Fund Management: Goals/Pledge Drives will be enabled for orgs that have an active or inactive fund goal. We will also convert existing fund goals to be a pledge. Protestant clients will now see a “Goals” tab next to their Fund tab, while Catholic clients will now see a “Pledge Drive” tab next to their “Second Collections” tab. All Fund Goal settings will translate to the Goals/Pledges settings. This will also allow Fund Goal clients to create Pledge Cards in Forms. Primary Admins will also see a Pledges Report in the Reports submenu on the left navigation. Additional admins will required updated permissions to see the report. Note: Catholic Fund Goal clients will only be receiving the Pledge Drive functionality in Giving, and Forms. Any Pledge Card created between Oct. 11th, and the release of PS Catholic Pledge Integration will need to be manually added in Offering within the ParishSOFT platform.

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Monday, August 18th, 2023 (FMS v 2.34.0)





  • Forms > Email: Some email receipts were having issues with HTML showing instead of the custom text message. This has been reviewed and corrected.

Wednesday, August 13th, 2023 (v6.34.0)





Paypal/Giving Reporting Discrepancy 

  • Giving > Reporting: This will fix any batch deposit report discrepancies due to missing Paypal ACH Returns and/or Chargebacks.


Monday, August 28, 2023 (v6.33.0)


Email Template Improvements

  • Giving > Email templates: The four Giving email templates listed below will have options to control what is shown in the email preview and email that actually gets sent out. Admins will now have the option to show Image (heart image that shows on the receipts) as well as showing the My Giving button.
    • Text Giving Receipt (only from text donations): will have Show Image and My Giving button.
    • New Donor: will have the Show Image
    • Recurring Receipt: will have the Show Image and My Giving button
    • VT Receipt: will have Show Image box

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023 (v6.32.0)


Giving Fund List Form

•Giving >Forms: Giving admins will now see a new giving form template called Giving Fund List Form. By default, this template will show all funds that have been set up in giving. Admins will have the ability to hide funds that are not relevant via the Field Set Properties. This Field Set would be used in lieu of the Fund Dropdown list, if the admin prefers.

Published, existing Giving forms can be converted to the Giving Fund List form by editing the form and adding the Fund List Field Set to their form and removing the Fund Dropdown field. (This will preserve their form URL, and they will not need to update their Giving Portal link.)

Donors can enter a total gift amount at the top of the form and Divide Among All Funds or Apply To All Funds. Alternatively, donors can select differing amounts, separate recurring frequencies, even start dates for each fund.

Images and descriptions that have been set up by the admin in Fund Management will show on the form for each fund.


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Processing Fees

  • Fixed error previously caused by attempting to pay the full balance on a partial payment within the schedule tab that included a processing fee, the submit would fail and an error would display "Amount is greater then the total".

  • Fixed form submissions that included a second collection and a processing fee would fail and throw a javascript error in the console.

  • Fixed if a user makes a second collections payment with a processing fee then in the schedule tab delete the processing fee scheduled payment and then make a payment towards a remaining second pledge, it failed with “Error saving recurring payment - Recurring payment not found.”



Thursday, August 17th, 2023 (FMS v 2.30.5)


Recurring Giving Default

• Forms > Giving Form: Donors will now see the default on the giving forms set to recurring. If they are only interested in giving a one-time gift, they will have the option to click on the tab for one-time.


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Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 (v 6.32)


Deposit Report Summary

Giving > Deposit Report > Save or Print Details: On the Deposit Report PDF, you will now see a summary page at the end of the report that lists all batches, totals for each fund, and date ranges selected when running the report.

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Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 (v 6.31)


  • Create New Form > Fund Creation Enhancement: Admins will now have the option to create a new Giving form directly from the Add Fund Modal. From the “Add fund to the following giving form(s)” field, the admin can select “Create New Form”. If they selected “Create New From”, they will automatically be redirected to their new form when they click Save on the Add Fund Modal where they can finish customizing their new form. The new form will be named to match the new fund.

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June 7th, 2023 (v 6.27)


System Status Board

  • Support > System Status: Customers can click on the (?) help icon with Giving and select System Status to view a dashboard with status information for all our Giving/Payments Systems.




Recurring Report Export Fix

  • Recurring Report > Export: Solved the issue where the total dollar amount on reporting page did not match the total dollar amount on export. (Recurring gifts that had previously been canceled were still appearing on the exported report causing the totals to be different.)


May 24th, 2023 (v. 6.26)


  • Giving CP > Virtual Terminal > Donation Information: sub-funds are now displaying correctly



May 10th, 2023 (v. 6.21)


  • ACH Recurring Gifts: Recurring gifts with an ACH (bank account) payment method that has failed 3 times will now be disabled.
  • Updated Verbiage on Recurring gift emails: Credit Card companies have provided new guidelines for recurring transactions. Whenever a new recurring gift is processed, the email receipt now displays "To manage or cancel this recurring gift, login to your account." (see below)



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