What are Second Collections?
Second collections are for Catholic causes beyond the parish. This includes mission outreach, Catholic state organizations, and more. Bishops also use these funds to support monthly special collections for charities and national programs that help Catholic ministries in society.
Second collections are integral to Catholic relief around the world. Every chance to give a pledge or donation isn’t just an act of spiritual responsibility, it’s a way to support people of the Catholic faith who may be in need. Since this type of offering is usually only collected in the Catholic church, this feature is limited to our Catholic clients.
Creating Second Collection Funds
1. In Fund Management, select the Second Collections tab.
2. Click the blue +Add button at the top right corner of the page and select Second Collection from the dropdown.
3. Complete the required fields to create the Second Collection Fund, then click Save.
Note: You have the option to Allow Yearly Recurrences. This will create a check box for Donors on the Giving Form.
Adding Second Collections to your Giving Form
If you would like to add the option for your givers to give to Second Collections in addition to their regular Parish Giving, follow these simple steps:
1. From Forms Manager, select the giving form you'd like to add Second Collections to.
2. Once on the form, from the left Field Menu, click or drag Second Collections field set on to the lower part of your form.
3. A Field Properties box will appear. Check the box for Required if you'd like to require your parishioners to give to Second Collections in addition to their regular gift before being able to submit the form. If you'd like for this section to remain optional for your parishioners, simply leave the box unchecked. Once you've made a decision, click Done.
4. You'll notice all active Second Collections have successfully been added to the form, with all the details saved in the Fund Management. Be sure to click Save and Publish to push these changes to your live form.
Your Giving Form will now include a section for Second Collections below the regular offertory collection section.
The example above only shows one Second Collection option (World Mission Sunday) because that is the only Second Collection fund in the associated account. If you have more than one active Second Collection fund, they will all appear on the form with a photo, date, and description.
At the top of the section for Second Collections, you'll notice a dollar amount field for a total gift towards all Collections, with the option to Divide Among All Collections or Apply to All Collections.
Alternatively, parishioners can add individual amounts to the right of each fund if they prefer, and then check the box to recur the gift annually.
The total for their regular donation(s) from the top section, and their optional or required donation to Second Collections will total at the bottom of the form in the billing section.
If you're a visual learner, watch this in-depth training video on adding Second Collections:
Prefer to have a form dedicated to Second Collections separate from your Primary Giving Form? Click here to find out how.