Prayer Vigil Sign Up Form (Sign Up Slots)

Our giving solution allows attendees to easily select their preferred time slots, optimizing event attendance management. You can also utilize the sign-up slots for food item sign up, volunteer day sign up, and more. 



To get started with a Prayer Vigil registration form, select Create New Form then select the option to Start from Scratch. This will be easier than selecting a template. 



Add a Header Image and Background Banner to your form to customize it. 



Locate and click Signup Slots from Field Sets. Please note: One type of Field Set can be added per Form.



A dialogue box will immediately appear where you can enter a Slot Title (what you want people to sign up for) and the number of Available Spots. As people sign up for that particular slot, the number will decrease on the form. In this case, you can allow several people to sign up for a dedicated time to pray during your vigil.  By turning on the option Users can select multiple slots, registrants will have the option to sign up for multiple time slots.



In the example above, "4am-6am" is the Slot Title. We have left the available spots blank so there is no limit to how many people sign up for this time slot. You can allow multiple signups and require registrants to enter their name for your records. 

For further customization: 

  • No spot limit: unlimited number of spots to fill (this will remove a set number from the Available Spots field)
  • Users can see signups: names of other spots filled will appear on the form as they are claimed
  • Allow multiple signups: one individual can claim that specific slot more than one time

Once you have set your preferences for that slot, click Add.  
Note: It may be helpful to make a list of your signup option and categorize them before getting started, as they will each be listed within your one Signup Slot Field Set.

Once all slots have been added, you'll have the option to Group Slots into Categories.



This option will allow you to clearly segment signup opportunities. In the example below, we have categorized the signup slots into morning segments. 

After creating each category, you can drag and drop your existing time slots into the correlating categories utilizing the double dotted lines in the orange box on the left. You can also edit or delete each slot using the pencil and trash can icons to the right of each slot box.



When you click Done, your form should look like this: 



Before publishing your form, be sure to take time to dive into the Form Properties. Form Properties allows you to customize important back-end functionality for your form as well as add those visually engaging details that take your form from functional to fantastic!



Click Save Changes and Publish


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