Account Services Overview

How to view and update your organization's contact, legal, and payment information.


With changes to your organization, there is a chance you'll need to update some of your information. Learn more about managing your organization's giving account.

Access Account Information

Navigate to your manager portal and click the Gear ⚙️ Icon on the top right corner of your to access primary account Settings. A series of cards will be visible with unique controls for your account. Select the Settings card. In the lower left corner, find the Account Services options to update your legal name, address, add or change your depository bank, or connect with our team if you need to close your account.


Clicking on the links provided in the Account Services box will result in a pop-up form. You'll complete the form right there within the account and submit it electronically. Changing your account's legal name, DBA, or bank account information will require you to upload legal documents (EIN, voided check) with the form as well, so please have those prepared when you're ready to make those changes.


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