Adding Managers

You can add as many managers to your account as you’d like! 


How to Add a New Manager

  1. Navigate to your manager dashboard, click on Gear ⚙️ Icon and choose the Managers card.

  2. Click + Add Manager to create a new manager. This will pull up the Add Manager form.

  3. Input the new manager’s Name, Email, Main Phone, and a temporary Password. This temporary password should only be used to create the account. The new manager will need to click Forgot Password the first time they login to access their account. You'll also want to select your new manager's Role. Roles will not appear until you have selected an Organization Type in your General Settings.

4. ☑️ Select the new manager’s Permissions. Read more about Permissions.


5. Click Save!


6. Notify the new manager and provide login instructions. 

Sample email instructions: "You've been added to our church Giving Manager Portal. Go to this login URL ________, enter your email address, and click forgot password to set your password."



  • It’s important to set Permissions for your managers so they can only access the appropriate information for their position.

  • You can always delete managers.

  • Managers who are no longer at your organization or no longer need access should be deleted promptly to keep your account secure. 
  • If the primary account owner/manager is changing or needs to be deleted, please reach out to your Ministry Brands account manager so that our primary contact for your account can also be updated.


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