Confirmation of a completed gift or registration is important to your givers and registrants! Each Form will send a default email confirmation, and you have a variety of customization options to enhance and personalize emails.
Select the “Email” tab in the Form Properties window
Email Receipt
The first option in the Email settings is an Email Receipt. By design, the receipt is a simple email with confirmation of gift details. This option is available for the Form Categories of General Donation or Special Donation.
To confirm your Form Category, see the General Info tab.
You may add a custom message (see the “Receipt Thank You Message” in the image above), as well as click the eye icon to preview your email.
Ticketing via Email Confirmation
If you've enabled Ticketing for an Event Registration form, tickets will be sent via the confirmation email.
Additional Email(s)
Below the Email Receipt is another email option for General Donation/Special Donation forms and all other form categories. You may choose to send the Email Receipt above and the additional email to multiple recipients with different subject lines and messages if you choose.
Complete the fields, as you’d like to draft the email to be sent to givers, registrants, or form responders based on the form type.
Placeholders allow you to pull information from the form into the email, such as #BillingEmail# to send the email to the address provided by the giver and #TotalAmount# to enter the amount given.
The From address will default to “” You are welcome to use this address, or change to an email at your organization. Because the intention of the email is serve as a confirmation or receipt, a noreply address is recommended but not required.
Continue by adding a custom Subject and Message. Using the message toolbar, you may change the look and feel of your message, add images, and hyperlinks.
Add Additional Email Notification will allow you to send additional email notifications triggered by completion of the same form. For example, for an event registration form the primary email would send to the registrant and include important event information and placeholder details. A second email could be enabled to notify a particular staff member that a new registration has been received.
If Enable Recurring Payments is enabled in the Payment tab, then you'll have the option to also Include account info for recurring donors who are not signed in. This email will inform them that an account has been created on their behalf, and how to access it.
Can we send different email confirmations/notifications for different forms?
Yes! Your managers can create unique email notifications for each form.
Because this feature is managed through Forms, it won’t be applied universally across all giving/payment forms. Instead, you have total control over which forms send email notifications, what the email says, and to/from whom it sends!
UP NEXT: Build out Form Fields to collect the data you need!