Recurring Gifts: How to Manage & Modify

As an account manager, you can modify an existing recurring gift on behalf of a donor.

To get started, navigate to the Reports menu in the left navigation pane of your manager portal. Select Recurring Gifts from the submenu and search for the donor you'd like to modify.

Once you've located the giver, click 3 dot ellipsis menu to display the action menu.

Recurring Gifts Manage Modify.png

Select More Information, Modify, End Recurring, or Payment Profiles depending on what action you’d like to take.

More Information

More Information will display the recurring Gifts, allow you to Skip or unskip the next occurrence, and view Giving History.


Modify allows you to edit the frequency, date, fund, and amount of an active recurring gift.

End Recurring

End Recurring allows you to immediately stop a recurring gift.

Payment Profile

Payment Profiles allows you to add a new payment method, edit a current method on file, or remove a method on behalf of a giver.



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