Mobile App: Customize Your Mobile App

App Settings:

General Information for Your App

Mobile App Menu Bar _Gen info.png

  1. Enter your Church’s Ministry Name.
  2. Provide a brief Description.
  3. Input your Church Address.


Uploading Your Church/Org Logo

Mobile App Menu Bar_ Logo.png

Upload a PNG or JPG image of your Church/Org logo. Ensure the file is clear and correctly represents your branding.


Integrate with Other Applications

Mobile App Menu Bar_ Integrations.png

Integrate your in-house People or Streaming account seamlessly.

Note: For more details on either of these solutions, click on the 9-dot menu at the top right of your screen.



Enabling App Modules to Use

Mobile App Menu Bar Modules_Enable Modules.png

Choose the Modules you would like to appear in your app for users by turning the radio button to on (Indicated by the color blue)


Mobile App Menu Pages_Main.png

Create personalized Pages with images and icons that seamlessly link to other modules or pages.

Note: Can be used to showcase different campuses, highlighting ministries, or promote special events.



Designing Your App Menu Style

Mobile App Menu Bar Design_Menu.png

1. Choose your desired Menu Style.

2. Drag and Drop the menu items to re-order them according to your preferences.


Customizing App Colors

Mobile App Menu Bar Design_Colors.png

1. Choose your app’s light or dark theme.

2. Select a color scheme and adjust text colors to align with your church’s branding.



Mobile App Menu Bar Status_Main.png

Once you have completed customizing your app, proceed to publish it to make the changes live for your users.



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