How to Text a Keyword that Links to a Form

Engage Your Congregation with Text to Form

Text to form is an effective way to engage givers and increase generosity for your church or organization. Text messages can also help you stay connected with your congregation and donors beyond giving.


Creating a Form Keyword 

From the Text Management card in your primary account settings (click the gear symbol in the top right corner of your manager portal), create a unique Keyword to send a text message linking to a specific Form, such as an event registration, contact form, or donation form.

Managers_Settings Gear_Text Management.png


Activating a Form Keyword

Example: A Contact Form for Prayer Requests has been created.

  1. In the primary account settings, activate a Form Keyword.
  2. In the Form Keyword box, click the plus sign (+) to create a new keyword.
  3. Select the appropriate Form from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter a unique Keyword.

Note: A Form Keyword must be unique and cannot be the same as an existing Fund Keyword for text giving.



Promoting Your Form Keyword & User Experience

Once your Form Keyword is created, you can use it to promote events or provide a text option for staying connected. For example, to promote the Prayer Request form, you may tell your congregation:


“Text the keyword PRAY to receive a link to our prayer request submission form.”




Text responders who use your Form Keyword will receive a direct link to the synced Form.


Form Responses may be managed from your Form Manager.





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