Your Forms Manager is a very powerful tool! If you haven't explored the wonder of Forms yet, trust us, you'll be pleasantly surprised! You already have a full-featured Form building tool built into your giving platform no additional charge!
Although forms are fantastic for collecting donations and event registrations, here are a few features that you may not know about that allow you to think outside the box and get the most out of this tool!
Unlimited Number of Forms
According to some internal research, many of our customers only have one or two forms. PSA: YOU CAN BUILD AS MANY FORMS AS YOU'D LIKE. If you're hesitant because "form building" is outside your responsibilities, please remember that you can always add additional Managers to your account with personalized, limited permissions. Some creative ideas for other types forms are Surveys, Sign-Ups, Facility Rentals, and Prayer Requests. Get creative and get to building!

Create Responsive Forms
Thanks to Conditional Formatting and Steps you can now format your form to only show a few fields at a time and only if they're applicable. For example, if the very first and only question on your form were "Did you attend our Service last weekend?", depending on whether that person's response were "Yes" or "No" would dictate what the rest of your form would show or ask.
Essentially, you have to option to "hide" any questions that aren't applicable based on the very first and only visible question. This increases the likelihood that your form will be completed up to 300% because form completors aren't initially overwhelmed with a large amount of questions.

Produce Unique Tickets for Events
Need tickets for people or groups for an event? Ticketing is fast, easy, and an included feature in Forms. If enabled, registrants will receive their tickets via their confirmation email. Each will bear a unique QR Code for easy check-in. Managers will also have access to ticket information in your comprehensive Form Responses incase tickets are lost.

Allow Donors or Registrants to Help Cover Fees
Often times, donors or registrants are not even aware that part of their donation or payment is used to cover processing fees, or that they could have the option to help cover that fee. In many cases, once givers or registrants become aware of the processing fee, and the option to help cover it, they're happy to help! Not sure how to communicate this opportunity to your donors? This Sample Script might help.

Customized Payment Options
You have so much control over payment options through forms! Not only can you decide which payments types to allow, you can also give your registrants the option to "Pay Later" if they'd rather pay by cash or check. There are multiple Payment Fields as well, that are used to collect payments differently depending on the goal of your form. Amount buttons for example, are ideal for sponsorships or suggested amounts, while User Amount allows the giver to determine the amount they'd like to give. There are also per-item payment fields that allow you to price items and track inventory... ideal for selling merchandise like books or t-shirts.

Feeling inspired to create a new form? Let's get started!