2024-2025 Release Notes


February 11, 2025


Removed "Need Help" Link From all Forms

  • Removed the "Need Help?" link from the bottom of all FMS forms.


New Wording Added to Forms for Donor Assistance

  • Added "Please contact your church or organization if you have questions or need assistance with your donation." at the bottom of the form where "Need Help" used to be.


Default for Administrative Fee is not checked in Form Properties > Payment

  • The checkbox for "Apply Optional or Required fee" is no longer checked by default. 
  • The new default is for new forms to have this box unchecked. 
  • This is in alignment with Card Company standards. 



Non-Tax-Deductible setting not respected in Form Properties > Fund List

  • This fixed an issue where funds marked as "not tax deductible" were incorrectly appearing under the Tax Deductible - Yes filter in the donor history tab.

Recurring Gifts Skipped

  • We have addressed a bug causing some recurring transactions to be skipped due to existing declined records.

Transaction Report > Edit Fund

  • This fix improves fund editing functionality in transaction reports, especially for funds mapped through Merchant Account Groups.



January 28, 2025


Custom Data Export Feature Not Functioning

  • The Data Export feature was not functioning as expected. We have addressed this issue and this feature is working at full capacity!


Paid Sign-up Slot includes Venmo Payment Type

  • When a form contained a Paid Sign-up Slot, the Venmo payment option was unavailable. This limitation has been successfully addressed in this update. Venmo is available when Paid Sign-up Slots are added to a form.


January 24, 2025


Donor Payment Method Account Setup

  • When Donors clicked the account set up link from the Donor Import email, they received an error when attempting to save a payment method. This prevented donors from completing their account setup.
  • We have urgently addressed this issue, and donors are now able to successfully interact with the setup link and save their preferred payment method.


January 23, 2025


Form Analysis Display is Blank

  • The form Analysis wasn't showing for some forms across the product. We want to ensure that your concerns have been heard, and we have taken immediate action to resolve this. With this update, Form Analysis will now display correctly for all forms and all the data you expect will be populated in the analysis.


January 21, 2025


Donor Match Error Resolution

  • Fixed issues specific to organizations using Parishsoft or FellowshipOne integrations. 
  • Addressed null exception errors occurring during donor match criteria search. 


Offline Gifts Display Issue

  • Ensured offline gifts are now visible for logged-in FMS users inside FMS Giving History.


January 21, 2025 (Tax changes only)



  • Tax Revisions: The following Tax Tables were updated for 2025. See all 2025 – Updated Tax Revisions
    • US: Social Security
    • US: Federal


Friday, January 17, 2025


Auto Reports

  • Resolved an issue that was causing Auto Reports not to run.


January 16th, 2025


When a Giving account is closed, access to Forms is disabled.

  • This issue was stopping FMS from loading within Ministry Brands ChMS. The fix will allow forms to load in that ChMS (and other products) when the associated account has a closed Giving account.


January 14th, 2025


Wording Change: "Processing Fee" is now "Administrative Fee"

  • To comply with card branding rules, the term "Processing Fee" has been updated to "Administrative Fee." On forms that require payment, donors will now see the term Administrative Fee as shown below.


    In addition, you'll notice this term has been changed within Transaction Reports, Batch Deposit Summary Details, Form Properties > Payment (below), and other places within your Giving software. 

We've added a Search Bar for Multi-Location (Campus) Organizations!

  • Organizations with multiple locations enabled will notice a new search bar on the Giving Form Location Selection screen. This addition will allow donors to search by the campus or location name rather than scrolling to find their location name. (A "No Results" screen will appear for unsuccessful searches).



Apple Pay Contact Information Verification

  • We've implemented a new verification step for Apple Pay transactions. When we cannot verify a valid first name, last name, or address from Apple Pay data, donors will see a pop-up screen to confirm their contact information. First and last names must contain a minimum of three letters. (This will not affect logged-in donors, as we already have their information.) Also, note that a donor's email address cannot be changed during this process.

Enhanced Donor Matching when integrated with Ministry Brands' ChMS

  • Enhanced donor matching criteria to include first name, last name, and phone number.



Payment Source Type Text was Duplicated

  • When exporting the recurring gifts to Excel (CSV), single-word payment source types were shown as doubles (e.g., VenmoVenmo). We have now corrected this for the CSV export.

New Organization Online Giving Sign-Up Application 

  • When new organizations first sign up for payment processing, the application ("merchant pre-app") Legal Address field states, “PO boxes are accepted." PO boxes are not accepted, and we have updated the text to display “PO BOXES NOT ACCEPTED.”


October 22nd, 2024 (v6.55) 


Data Export File Creation for ChMS import 

  • Organizations were not able to create a data export file for the ChMS import to ParishSOFT. There was an error message displayed that didn't allow the user to continue. You should now be able to create a data export.

October 15th, 2024 (v6.54.04) 


Software Administrators could not add or update their Payment Card

  • Within Giving, Gear Icon > Invoices Tile > Billing Settings > Editing Payment Card on File: When adding or editing the card used for payment, an error appeared in the expiration date field, preventing organizations from updating their payment method. This has been corrected. 



October 8th, 2024 (v 2.51.0)


Update Express Forms to show all payment methods in 3 column grid:

  • Express Donation Form > Donor Portal > Payment Method Options: Introducing a design change to the look of the Payment Method section on Express Forms. Under How Would You Like to Give? and Saved Payment Methods (for donors who are logged in); the icons for the payment types will be in a three-column grid. This makes it easier to see payment options. 

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Submission amount does not include Increased Giving Amount: It was found that when admins add the option to Increase Your Impact for forms, and a donor chooses to increase their gift, the Thank You receipt was only showing the original amount. It did not display the total amount to include the increased donation amount. The increased amounts were showing in the FMS responses and Giving reports. We have now corrected this issue for the Thank You receipts.

Form Receipt Preview Error - CK Editor Issue: Admins were seeing errors under Forms > Select Form > Form Properties > Email Receipt Preview Icon. It was found that if the content of the email is longer than around 2,048 characters, it caused an error in the preview, and potentially when the email is being sent. We have tested and made some improvements to allow for larger emails. Clients should not see an error now when trying to preview the Email Message.


September 24th, 2024 (v 2.50.0)


Updated info icon to Cover Processing Fee Option

  • Form > Form Properties > Payment: We added a new 'more info' icon when the option to Cover Processing Fees is enabled for donors. We also increased the size of the pop-up box and the text within it for readability on mobile devices. 
    Note: Clicking on the info icon will not automatically check or uncheck the setting.


Edit Submission Misses Updated Quantity Limits

  • When a form includes a dropdown menu with two options with a default total quantity of 1, the submissions were not saving properly. Especially when the total quantities were edited after submissions, and admins would try to update the new quantities. We have now corrected this so that the quantities and submissions are saved correctly. 

Impact Reports are Missing:

  • When the Impact Report functionality was enabled, it was enabled for all existing clients but not for all new FMS accounts. We have corrected this so that everyone can use the Impact Reports feature.


August 29th, 2024 (v 2.48.0)


What’s This” tooltip on Payment Brands Merchant Application 

  • [Customer] Giving Manager Portal > Merchant Application: Giving has updated the Payment Brands Merchant Application in the Giving Manager Portal to show new information when a customer clicks on "What's This?" next to "Applicant Information". This will outline why this personal information is required by law. 

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Automated Check Deposit: Get Quote button changes 

  • [Customer] Giving Manager Portal > Primary Settings > Check Scanning tile: When an admin initiates ACD purchase and chooses Get Quote, they will now be able to click Proceed to send off the request to sales for a quote or, they can select Go Back if they prefer to choose a different tier for their check scanning. 

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Add Saved Payment Method section to Express forms when donors are logged in

  • Donor Facing > Express Giving Form > Payment Types: With Venmo coming, and some UI changes for PayPal, we have made some changes on the Express form to now have a Saved Payment methods section.

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Form Response Blank Payments Tab

  • It was found that with a recurring item, it was not showing any schedules to show. We have done some work on the backend to fix the issue and now the payments tab should not have any errors or show a blank screen.

Express Form - Change process flow

  • Currently when an express form is used (this can also apply to second collections and some other areas) and there are multiple types of payments (one-time, recurring, or recurring with different frequency/start dates) and the donor is choosing to use a new payment method they are all being sent to giving in a single API call. This is causing issues where the Giving code is then creating multiple saved payment methods instead of just one. Now payments with multiple parts will only save one payment method. (released on 8/1)

Fix Home Tab error in iphone private mode

  • This was a code change that was needed for Apple Pay when the URL had some issues. When a user was on an iPhone and selects to go into incognito mode, the home tab doesn't show until you click to reduce protections (pop up that comes up on iPhones). At this time we are unsure if we can remove that pop up. We have fixed the issue where even after the users would click on reduce permissions, the home tab would still not show, now when you click on reduce protection it will show the home screen. (released on 8/1)

August 1st, 2024 (v 2.47.0)


Refund Permissions Needed to Resend Ticket Receipt

    • Forms > Form Responses > Tickets: Admins with both view responses and edit responses permissions now have the capability to resend ticket receipts. This feature empowers admins to reissue ticket confirmations with ease, providing flexibility in managing ticket-related communications.

Add tier to the ACD acceptance screen 

  • Giving Manager Portal > Settings > ACD Tile (Primary Admin only): It was found internally that we were not putting the tier selected by the user on the Acceptance screen for Automatic Check Deposit. With this ticket we have added it on the screen so that the use will see again which tier they selected and can still make a change before submitting their request.

Refund Second Collection/Fund List Enhancements

  • Second Collections and Fund List Recurring options: With this ticket, we have implemented enhancements to the Second Collections display within the Fund List field set for administrators. This improvement ensures that the Second Collections area now mirrors the visual style and functionality of the standalone Second Collections field set, specifically showing only Second Collection Funds for annual recurrence. Annual Recurrence Focus: Second Collection Funds included in the Fund List field set will be displayed exclusively for annual recurrence, aligning with administrative preferences and ensuring clarity in fund management.
  • Fund list in PSG for second collections frequency default to annual instead of one-time: Improved Default Frequency for Second Collections: ParishSoft giving admins now experience enhanced convenience with the default frequency for second collections being set to annual. This adjustment streamlines the process, allowing admins to prioritize congregants' recurring giving while maintaining flexibility for one-time contributions. This update benefits both the company and the church by promoting consistent and sustainable donation practices. Fund List Enhancement for Second Collections: In the fund list for second collections, the default frequency has been updated to annual instead of one-time. This change ensures that admins can easily set up second collection funds with the appropriate frequency, aligning with the preferences of ParishSoft giving admins and simplifying the donation setup process.
  • PS Recurring Email Confirmation for Second Collections: The updated confirmation email now dynamically adjusts to reflect both the initial recurring frequency selected by the donor and any subsequent changes made to the giving interval. The confirmation email for recurring donations has been refined to accurately reflect the frequency of each contribution. Previously, the email only displayed the frequency initially selected by the donor, failing to account for subsequent changes in giving intervals.



Giving - Add retrycallbackurl with processing with gateway tokens

  • [Internal] In this ticket, we have addressed an issue where transactions using stored PB Gateway tokens were not including a callback URL. This omission prevented queued items in PB from being properly handled in case of transaction issues, particularly affecting PayPal recurring transactions and causing potential system overload during morning hours.

Recurring - Create new recurring schedule when enabling future gifts

  • [Internal] Currently when a donor updates the payment profile for a recurring record it marks all future schedules as status 0, including the current date. Prior to our last release this was working correctly but now we are skipping any recurring schedules that already exist in our tables. We have corrected this so it will work as expected.

Apple Pay Fixes

  • Disable Apple Pay on Kiosk: With our Apple Pay release it came to our attention that Apple Pay was showing for Kiosks. Apple Pay should not show for Kiosks at this time. We have corrected this so Apple Pay will no longer show for Kiosk users.
  • Express Forms keep ApplePay as payment type when switched to Recurring: Currently, when a donor uses an Express form and selects Apple Pay for their one-time gift and then choose recurring, Apple Pay remains as the chosen payment type although Apple Pay is not allowed for recurring payments at the moment. With this fix Apple Pay will not show as a payment method at any point when the donor chooses their gift to be recurring.



Thursday, July 9th, 2024 (v6.49.0)


Transaction Fees Removed After ACH Return/Chargeback

  • Giving Manager Portal > Reports > Transaction Report: Enhanced the transaction report to accurately reflect fees in alignment with the batch deposit report. Users can now expect consistent fee representation across both reports, facilitating clearer financial tracking and reconciliation processes.

Apple Pay Limited Release

  • Giving Manager Portal > Settings > Default Payment Types: Apple Pay feature will be added as a payment option to most of our giving clients, and eventually released to all clients in waves.
    • Clients will need to read and accept new Terms of Service which now include Apple Pay.
    • Clients can then check the box to add Apple Pay to all payment forms. (Can be disabled on a per-form basis if desired.)



Fixing titheTrackChargebackImport errors - Support Ticket 159941

  • There have been several instances where ACH returns/Chargebacks have not been reporting accurately for some clients. Admins had reported that their deposit reports had some discrepancies and some of the donations not being reported as a return and did not match up the Billing reports. We have resolved this issue and fixed the errors we were seeing on our side so that the batch reports, deposits, and billing reports are all reporting the same details.


July 9th, 2024 (Forms v 2.46.0)


Form Description Format Error

  • Giving > Forms > Form Builder: The default "paragraph" setting for Form Descriptions causes the text to overlap with the 'Split Form into Steps" text on the form. This is currently effecting all forms. Since this is the title of the form, the default "paragraph" setting for Form Descriptions causes the text to overlap with the 'Split Form into Steps" text on the form. Affects all forms. This can be fixed by changing the format from the "paragraph" option to the "heading" option

June 18th, 2024 (v 2.45.1 Hot Fix)


Form Preview

  • Form Preview: After our 6.18.24 v2.45.0 release, it was brought to our attention that Form Previews were no longer working and were coming up blank. We have researched and fixed the issue.


June 18th, 2024 (Forms v2.45.0)


Processing Fee Submission

  • Giving > Forms > Processing Fee Submission: Fixed an issue where processing fees were failing upon submission for donations made through Google Pay or Apple Pay on Forms when users were not logged in. With this fix, donors will no longer see the error that the total amount is incorrect due to the processing fees.


May 21st, 2024 (v6.46.0)


Automated Check Deposit Signup and Access

  • Primary Admin Giving Module > Settings > Automated Check Deposit Tile:  Primary administrators will see a new tile in their Settings Menu called Automated Check Deposit. They will enable this add-on feature within the product by reviewing a couple screens, and signing a contract. This will initiate the procurement process with our dedicated Onboarding reps in partnership with Jack Henry, a check processing third-party partner. Once underwriting is complete, Admins will be grated access to their SmartPay Portal via the same ACD tile in Settings. They will also get access to the Check Scanning Report where they can map scanned checks to the appropriate donor and fund. Reporting for checks will be consolidated with other transactions, providing more complete Donor History, and overall Giving Health of the church.

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Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 (v6.41.0)


Payment Button Access

  • Giving > Settings > Invoices: All Giving customers will now have the ability to enter in a payment from their invoices at any time.

Payment Method Update

  • Giving/Amplify Giving > Home Screen > Invoice Tile: Amplify/Giving customers will see a pop-up requesting updated their billing information (regardless if they are current in paying invoices or not). As soon as the customer enters in their payment information ANY and ALL outstanding pending invoices that have not been paid will be processed for payment. The user will understand and see the warning that the outstanding amount (total will show) will be processed. Users will notice a change to the modal where they enter in their payment information for this.


Kiosk: Remove Deposit-Kiosks report from CP

  • Giving > CP > reports > Deposits-Kiosks report: This legacy report no longer works (and has not for some time). It returns a 404 error currently.  With this release we are removing this report along with the permission being sent.


Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 (v6.40.0)


Enhanced Password Requirements

  •  When a user sets up a new password, wants to change their password or selects forgot password, they will have new password requirements: Minimum Length: 15, Maximum Length: 30, Can not contain spaces, Has at least one lowercase character, Has at least one uppercase character, Has at least one number, Has at least one of special character @ # $ % ^ *.  

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 2.04.38 PM.png

  • [ParishSoft Customer] Giving > Integrations Tile > ParishSoft Sync Report: When we send a donor search to ParishSoft they can return multiple records tied to the name and email such as a family record and member record. Currently, if we detect multiple records we just ignore and generate an ambiguous error. When we create a new donor on their side we are using the "member record" and the we store the member id, family id and familymember id. Therefore, we added additional criteria to help identify a donor/individual. This change should only be applicable to the ParishSoft integration.

Giving Retry Queue (similar to PB)

  • [Internal] Giving: With the addition of the Payment Brands retry queue, Giving needs a queue that will be set up for when Giving is unable to communicate with Payment Brands. Recently we have seen an uptick in Gateway/transactions failing and would like to have a way to keep those in a queue. Having this queue in pace will help to keep transactions ready to be processed once Giving is able to communicate and pass along to Payment Brands. 


Research: Donors Apply Filters Not Working

  • [Customer] Donors > Filters > Transactions within previous: week (last 7 days) > Apply Filters: If an admin was trying to filter donors who gave within the last year, or with the filter set "Transactions within Previous: 7 Days" the filter was not being applied correctly. We have now added more filters to correct this issue. Admins will now see a Donors filter for "All, Donors that have transactions and Donors with no Transactions" the terminology that is used from CP settings will be used in the filters (i.e. if account uses Congregants vs Donors - Congregants will show on the filter). Donors that have payments.   -  Only show donors that have a transaction within the selected date range. Donors with no payments - Only show donors that do not have a transaction within the selected date range.

Canned Reports Page and SubPages are Very Slow (10min on local)

  • [Internal] The canned report page and its sub pages were too slow to navigate or load on local, it was taking minutes to load. Now, Pages load with no problem and faster (may not be noticeable on some environments).


January 30th, 2024 (Forms v 2.39.0)


First Name Only Placeholder in Email Notification

  • [Customer] Form Properties > Email Notification: When the form admin is setting up the email in Form Properties > Email, they will have the additional person placeholder for first name. This allows the admin to only show first names on the email if they choose. When the end user receives the email, they typically know who they registered or signed up or made a donation so having the last name is a redundancy.


January 2nd, 2024 (Forms v 2.38.7)


Express Form: Ability to require Billing Address

  • [Customer] Forms > Form Properties > Payment tab: Form admins are now able to add the full billing address to Express Giving forms if helpful or necessary. If the full billing address is not required, donors will only need to enter their zip code as originally released. 

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November 16th, 2023 (Forms v2.38.0) 


Impact Report available for Most Forms

  • Giving> Fund Management: On the Fund Management screen/grid the admin will not see a new column for Impact report. If an impact report is allowed/set up then the grid will show Yes, and if it has not it will show No
  • Giving > Fund Management: Funds will now have another tab under Fund Management labeled Impact Report. The admin will be able to select to add the Impact Report to the fund. There will be a section to add extra fund information which will display above the general summary on the Impact Report. The admin will be able to add an image for the impact report, the fund goal can also be displayed on this report if the admin chooses. There will be three areas: Staff, Facilities, Outreach with percentages set-up. There will be a set of 10 icons that can be added for these areas. Certain colors will also be available to select. These distributions must be filled out with something to show on the Impact Report before saving.

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  • Giving > Forms > Create Form > Giving Form (or other forms)> Form Properties > Impact Reports: With this release Admins will be able to add an Impact Report for their funds they have set up in Giving Admin to their Giving forms. This Impact Report will allow the admin to add a message for the report, add an image with that message or a digital signature, they will be able to save the messages as a template to use for future forms, they can choose to show the extra fund information (that was set up on the Giving side), show the fund progress as a bar or an amount, show how donations are distributed (as set up on the Giving side) and if they choose, may hide certain impact reports for certain funds. Donors viewing these Impact reports will see the report open to the side when the selected fund is chosen. If the donor is on a mobile device or looking at an embedded form, the donor will see the Impact Report slide up from the top. Donors will be able to click on the icon (set up from the giving side) or click on the View Impact Report link. Donors can also toggle through the different Impact Reports if there is more than one set up. NOTE: The Impact Reports will not be available for these Form Types: "signup-slot", "fund-list",  "second-collections", and "pledge card". These form types (field sets) in FMS already allow admins to provide Fund details or descriptions, they were deprioritized for this release.

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Add toggle to Standard Giving Forms for Express Giving (Wave 2)

  • Giving > FMS > Standard Giving Form: 8,000 remaining customers that will have their giving forms (those without significant customizations) automatically upgraded to the new Express Giving form. Admins will have the option to toggle back to the Standard Giving Form if they prefer.
  • Giving > FMS > Standard Giving Form: Remaining customized standard giving forms will now see the toggle (disabled) with the option to Enable the new Express Giving form.
  • Giving > FMS > Default Giving Form: Net New customers Default Giving Form is Express Mode.


More Ways to Give 

  • Giving > Forms > Form Properties > Submission: Giving forms will have a new section called Additional Giving Opportunities that will display on the Thank You screen after a donor has submitted their gift. This will be an optional field that the admin can choose to add to the form. Admin will be able to choose the wording (default shows More Ways to Give) and the Admin can choose which forms to put in this section and an option to have an image associated with the form (this could be the same as the fund image but the image will not automatically show - the image will have to be added in the form). This section will also have a description box for the admin to add to explaining about the campaign/fund selected, how it can impact the church, etc. Donors will see a Give Now button which will then direct them to the form. When the admin is setting this up and only chooses on form to add to this section, they will not be able to delete that option. If the admin enables the additional giving opportunity, at least one form must show. This will be an option for all giving forms.

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Increase Your Gift Prompt

  • Giving > Forms > Form Properties > Submission: Admins can now offer donors the option to increase their gift.

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Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 (v6.38.0)


Catholic Pledges and Integration (Releasing Tuesday 11/7)

  • ParishSOFT & WeShare Giving > Fund Management > Pledges: Catholic Giving Clients will now have the option to create Pledges and Pledge Cards. Through integrated functionality with ParishSOFT Family Suite and Development Manager, when Donors create a pledge card, that card will push over to the Donors profile in ChMS (if enabled). If the Catholic Giving account is integrated with Development Manager, Donors will also have the option to make a pledge On Behalf Of their Parish and that record will reflect in Development Manager.
  • ParishSOFT & WeShare Giving > Integration > Sync Report: Admins will be able to track Synced Pledge cards from the Integration Sync Report tab under Pledge Drive Sync Report. 


VT alert for Recurring gifts processing individually is not accurate

  • Giving > CP > Virtual Terminal: When setting up recurring gifts the user would receive an alert stating "When setting up recurring gifts for multiple designations, each fund will be individually processed on the same date." This statement is only true if the designations are going to a different Merchant ID, but it would alert everyone even if it was going to the same MID. Now the user will see a pop-up message after the submission of the gifts (since we only know the outcome after submission). We have updated alert to only show if going to a different MID and remove alert if it is going to the same MID. The message now says "With recurring payments, funds that are directed to different bank accounts, will be processed individually on the scheduled date.


Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 (v6.37.0)


Mastercard - Create new 6 month recurring email template

  • Recurring > Automated Email for Mastercard Gifts: Giving has created a new non-editable automated email (for Mastercard payments) that includes details on the recurring gift and how to cancel the recurring gift. For recurring gifts that have annual frequencies, an email will be sent to the donor's email address 7 days prior to their next recurring gift date. This email will be included in the existing recurring reminder email but should not show up in the preview or the body of the message. Additionally, donors with schedules occurring less frequently than every six months, will receive an automated reminder email 7 days prior to their gift. For one-time future gifts that have been set up for at least 6 months in advance they will receive this email as well. When a customer has a quarterly or monthly gift and skips their gifts for 6 months from their last one, we will not send this email.


Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 (Giving v6.36)


Enable Pledges on Churches with Fund Goal 

  • Giving > Giving Admin > Fund Management: Goals/Pledge Drives will be enabled for orgs that have an active or inactive fund goal. We will also convert existing fund goals to be a pledge. Protestant clients will now see a “Goals” tab next to their Fund tab, while Catholic clients will now see a “Pledge Drive” tab next to their “Second Collections” tab. All Fund Goal settings will translate to the Goals/Pledges settings. This will also allow Fund Goal clients to create Pledge Cards in Forms. Primary Admins will also see a Pledges Report in the Reports submenu on the left navigation. Additional admins will required updated permissions to see the report. Note: Catholic Fund Goal clients will only be receiving the Pledge Drive functionality in Giving, and Forms. Any Pledge Card created between Oct. 11th, and the release of PS Catholic Pledge Integration will need to be manually added in Offering within the ParishSOFT platform.

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Monday, August 18th, 2023 (FMS v 2.34.0)





  • Forms > Email: Some email receipts were having issues with HTML showing instead of the custom text message. This has been reviewed and corrected.

Wednesday, August 13th, 2023 (v6.34.0)





Paypal/Giving Reporting Discrepancy 

  • Giving > Reporting: This will fix any batch deposit report discrepancies due to missing Paypal ACH Returns and/or Chargebacks.


Monday, August 28, 2023 (v6.33.0)


Email Template Improvements

  • Giving > Email templates: The four Giving email templates listed below will have options to control what is shown in the email preview and email that actually gets sent out. Admins will now have the option to show Image (heart image that shows on the receipts) as well as showing the My Giving button.
    • Text Giving Receipt (only from text donations): will have Show Image and My Giving button.
    • New Donor: will have the Show Image
    • Recurring Receipt: will have the Show Image and My Giving button
    • VT Receipt: will have Show Image box

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023 (v6.32.0)


Giving Fund List Form

•Giving >Forms: Giving admins will now see a new giving form template called Giving Fund List Form. By default, this template will show all funds that have been set up in giving. Admins will have the ability to hide funds that are not relevant via the Field Set Properties. This Field Set would be used in lieu of the Fund Dropdown list, if the admin prefers.

Published, existing Giving forms can be converted to the Giving Fund List form by editing the form and adding the Fund List Field Set to their form and removing the Fund Dropdown field. (This will preserve their form URL, and they will not need to update their Giving Portal link.)

Donors can enter a total gift amount at the top of the form and Divide Among All Funds or Apply To All Funds. Alternatively, donors can select differing amounts, separate recurring frequencies, even start dates for each fund.

Images and descriptions that have been set up by the admin in Fund Management will show on the form for each fund.


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Processing Fees

  • Fixed error previously caused by attempting to pay the full balance on a partial payment within the schedule tab that included a processing fee, the submit would fail and an error would display "Amount is greater then the total".

  • Fixed form submissions that included a second collection and a processing fee would fail and throw a javascript error in the console.

  • Fixed if a user makes a second collections payment with a processing fee then in the schedule tab delete the processing fee scheduled payment and then make a payment towards a remaining second pledge, it failed with “Error saving recurring payment - Recurring payment not found.”



Thursday, August 17th, 2023 (FMS v 2.30.5)


Recurring Giving Default

• Forms > Giving Form: Donors will now see the default on the giving forms set to recurring. If they are only interested in giving a one-time gift, they will have the option to click on the tab for one-time.


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Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 (v 6.32)


Deposit Report Summary

Giving > Deposit Report > Save or Print Details: On the Deposit Report PDF, you will now see a summary page at the end of the report that lists all batches, totals for each fund, and date ranges selected when running the report.

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 4.59.38 PM.png


Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 (v 6.31)


  • Create New Form > Fund Creation Enhancement: Admins will now have the option to create a new Giving form directly from the Add Fund Modal. From the “Add fund to the following giving form(s)” field, the admin can select “Create New Form”. If they selected “Create New From”, they will automatically be redirected to their new form when they click Save on the Add Fund Modal where they can finish customizing their new form. The new form will be named to match the new fund.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 9.50.07 AM.png





June 7th, 2023 (v 6.27)


System Status Board

  • Support > System Status: Customers can click on the (?) help icon with Giving and select System Status to view a dashboard with status information for all our Giving/Payments Systems.




Recurring Report Export Fix

  • Recurring Report > Export: Solved the issue where the total dollar amount on reporting page did not match the total dollar amount on export. (Recurring gifts that had previously been canceled were still appearing on the exported report causing the totals to be different.)


May 24th, 2023 (v. 6.26)


  • Giving CP > Virtual Terminal > Donation Information: sub-funds are now displaying correctly



May 10th, 2023 (v. 6.21)


  • ACH Recurring Gifts: Recurring gifts with an ACH (bank account) payment method that has failed 3 times will now be disabled.
  • Updated Verbiage on Recurring gift emails: Credit Card companies have provided new guidelines for recurring transactions. Whenever a new recurring gift is processed, the email receipt now displays "To manage or cancel this recurring gift, login to your account." (see below)




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